Looking at Symfony vs Typomania

After reviewing Laravel - the up its own arse platform for ‘Web Artisans’ - per-lease - I thought I might see if Symfony was any less turgid.

On my first visit to https://symfony.com/ I was expecting a massive, impenetrable repository of obscureness, and was pleasantly surprised that I could scroll through page after page of explanations and examples and understand it - without having to install or try anything.

Also on the plus side is that having explored some of the core concepts, I still much prefer the way I do things with Typomania.

Routing and templates

Symfony’s routing system seems straightforward enough, but the process of having to register everything via a separate routing engine seems likely to become a bit bloated. I could be wrong, and perhaps some amazing advantages are waiting for me if or when I road test it.

I’m trying to think of a fancy name for the way I map URLs and slugs to resources, but AutoRoute has long been used by a GPS mapping system and I don’t think I can bring myself to go for anything as grandiose as a Laravel style name like ‘Enlightenment’ or ‘Epiphony’. How about ‘SlugJoy’? That has a catchy ring to it and is a bit nerdy yes self-depricating. Any-hoo. The Typomani SlugJoy system automatically maps URLs and URL sections (sometimes called ‘slugs’ if you were wondering) to sets of relevant resources simply by using a directory system one level deeper that the web root.

For example, if the CyberMat website needed a todo system, the URLs could all start www.cybermat.co.uk/todo/ and then have additions to vary the ourtput, e.g. /todo/1/ to view a todo item with the primary key ‘1’, /todo/page/2/ to show the second page of todos using a list. /todo/json/ would return a JSON text output, and so on. For things to work, the routes don’t have to be registered, instead files following a simple naming convention need to exist in the right place.
