I’m declaring this week to be ‘wine week’

Wine tasting on Wednesday, working on CamVino all day today, and I expect a bottle or twon might be opened tomorrow.

Reminder: when updating a page, a refersh is required in order for the options menu to work.

Another reminder: teach devices that CamVino is CamVino and not CamVine

It’s Friday. Evening. Most of today has been spent updating CamVino. Considering that this project was/is supposed to be my showcase/flagship thing it was in a very embarrassing state. It stil needs some urgent work, but the I have managed to go through and update all of the main sections.

I should invest more time in it. It has potential. Other pet projects have been successful in terms of SERPS and traffic, but this could be more materially significant. With 20 years + of experience doing this stuff, if anyone can, etc

Another reminder: add publish options to page menus.

If you’re curious re the reminders, they’re probably mainly to do with stripping JQuery out of Typomania. Something so interesting I think I’ve nearly put myself to sleep just thinking about it. I should probably finish my beer and head home… and open a bottle of something.