Tuesday - time for a hair of the dog

Yesterday’s trip to the Cambridge Beer Festival has had some side-effects

I’m not sure The Stones Roses at the current volume is quite what the old post booze fest head needs, but it’s drowning out the conversation of the old boys at the next table. They gave me that “Who’s that at our table” look – you know that glaring frown. The seem happy enough at the second table on their preferred list though. Oh here’s old timer no.3 - and now no. 4. I might offer them my table. Maybe. Is it important? Thankfully the pub has run dry of real ale and that is far more of a crisis than table availability.


After a belly-full of competitive real ale, I headed to the foreign muck section where I knew I’d find some old favourites. Unfortunately the only Andechs option was the dopplebock dunkel which can’t be solely blamed for my downfall, but was definitely a catalyst. The dark/dunkel beer was not what I wanted, so naturally I drank it at pace in order to move on to the antidote – the light/helles beer from the mighty Augustiner.


Apart from all the war and chaos, this year has been overshadowed by rain. It’s raining now, but thankfully yesterday was blessed with some rare blue sky. Not to everybody’s delight though judging by the sour face of the chap in my photo who seems to be looking at me wondering if I’m the guy he was hired to kill. Or I’ve stolen his space hopper - or his table. Should I blur out his face to protect his anonymity and make me less scared?