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data_sizes_array Array
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data_sizes_array Array
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CyberMat / CyberMat

CyberMat Continuously evolving

A personal website of CyberMat aka Mat Barnett

16:50 pub time

I'm baby-sitting a local pub while the land-people are having a break.

Half-eight. Time to order some new server space, and a beer

Digest. Summary. Ponder ponder

Stand by for weekly updates by email, (but don't hold your breath)

Friday at last - what a week

I think I've reached the last item on the list from first thing on Monday morning

2 out of 3 ain't bad
but 2 out of 6 ain't good

It's now Wednesday and I'm only just about half way through Monday's todo list.

Monday morning - time for a coffee

Some daytime ramblings for a change

Thursday afternoon in Brighton
Time for a pub review or two

I've grabbed a copy of Open Pub data, but it will take slightly longer to turn it into a pubs review website than I have today.

Tuesday - time for a hair of the dog

Yesterday’s trip to the Cambridge Beer Festival has had some side-effects